Orbit Trap Minimum

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Alternate Mapping: Orbit Trap Minimum

The Fractal Science Kit fractal generator Alternate Mapping Orbit Trap Minimum defines the alternate value in terms of an orbit trap.

See also:

The Orbit Trap Minimum properties pages are:

These pages are as described for Orbit Trap. The only difference is that the Controllers page is omitted and the Properties page is added.

The Properties page supports several properties to control the results.

Fractal Science Kit: Orbit Trap Minimum

General Options

During processing, the trapped point associated with the minimum trap value (absolute value) is selected. The alternate point's Value is set to the trap value associated with this point. The alternate point's Index is set to the value given by Index Map. The alternate point's Angle is set to the weighted average of the angles associated with all trapped points in the orbit and is controlled by the properties in the Angle Options section described below.

Angle Options

The alternate point's Angle is set to the weighted average angle over all trapped points, where the weight is based on the point's trap value relative to the minimum trap value. Uncheck Compute Angle to skip the angle calculation. Quadratic Angle and Angle Power can be used to modify the calculation. Check Quadratic Angle to compute the quadratic mean rather than the arithmetic mean. Angle Power is a real value greater than 0. Setting Angle Power to a value other than 1 perturbs the angle based on the given power.

Check Rotate 180 to rotate all angles 180 degrees prior to processing. This is useful if most of the angles cluster around +/- 180 degrees.

Check As Value to set the alternate point's Value to the angle rather than the point's value as is normally the case. This is useful if you don't need the value and you want better control over the normalization processing applied to the angle.

Orbit Generation

The Orbit Generation section defines 3 properties: Min Dwell, Max Dwell, and Mod Dwell. These values control the set of orbit points that are considered when processing the orbit. Min Dwell is the 1st dwell to check. Max Dwell is the last dwell to check. Mod Dwell - 1 is the number of dwells to skip between checks. That is, a dwell is processed if the dwell is between MinDwell and MaxDwell inclusive, and (dwell - MinDwell) % ModDwell = 0.


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